On Women - What to look out for

I will attempt to record all of the knowledge i have gained from my relationship, kids, and marriage.
I am focusing mainly on the topics that were never really explained to me, or that people generally kept quiet about because they were also having the exact same problem, and could offer no solutions, or had simply not yet encountered in their relationships.
This is an honest, unbiased recording of fact.
I hope this will help the next male to navigate these treacherous waters filled with misinformation, ulterior motives, external influences, and no-win situations known as "marriage".
Hopefully this information will be helpful in guiding you to be better prepared for the road ahead.
Nothing in here is a joke. I am not being sarcastic. I am not being mean. I am not being bitter.
These are simply a list of facts.
  1. TRAPS
    1. "I love my girlfriend, we get along great!" 
      1. The relationship with your girlfriend is not going to be the relationship with your wife.
      2. Nothing you do before marriage will prepare you adequately. Accept this fact.
      3. She will change. You will change. If you do not change together, in the same direction, things will become more and more difficult.
    2. Measuring her performance as a wife
      1. You will measure her performance against your internal baseline, usually set by your mother, or some other ideal female figure in your life
      2. You feel the need to give her feedback on areas where she can improve, thinking you are being helpful, and helping "the relationship"
      3. You are wrong. Shut up. This is for internal reference only, and is never to be shared with anyone. Ever.
      4. If she is not performing as you expect, guess what? You're screwed. There is absolutely nothing you can do. Any attempt to "make it better" will fail, and have the exact opposite effect. Learn to live with it, or get divorced. Don't pretend to live with it either. If you cannot honestly learn to live with it, it will eat away at you slowly until you die inside.
    3. Expecting her to "Do things"
      1. She does not cook, clean, have sex, talk to your friends, talk to your family, like your mother, look after the children, tell you what she's doing, and spends all of your money. If you cannot handle any one of these things, do not get married. I am dead serious about this one.
      2. If you ever find yourself thinking "But...what exactly do you do? I am already doing everything..." You have already failed. Just get divorced now.
      3. It's not about her doing things. It's about you being able to accept the fact that she doesn't do these things. Because that's how modern women are. Everything you actually want in a wife, they have been taught to not do those things. Instead, they will do exactly what you do not want. Because that's what they have been taught to do. No one raises wives, they raise princesses. If you are not willing to marry a princess, do not get married.
    4. Thinking any thought that begins with "It's the man's job to..." or "I thought it would be a good idea if..."
      1. You are not the breadwinner. You are not the protector. You are not the decision maker
      2. You are a source of resources. You are a security guard.
      3. Understand your position. You are a raw material. You are a slave. You are a pet. It's not your job to think. You are marrying into a position of servitude. She will tell you what to think. But not by outrightly telling you. She will simply get upset at everything she does not want you to do. And get slightly less upset at the things she wants you to do. If you like to think your own thoughts, do not get married.
      4. She sees you as a source of resources she can use for her offspring. And if you've been a good boy, she will give you treats. Regardless of what she says to your face, this is how she is thinking on the inside. If you cannot accept this, do not get married.
      5. Executing any thought that starts with "I thought..." will be met with resistance, even if it's beneficial. The key is to understand the method of decision and execution. The actual logic, decision and outcome do not matter. If she did not think it, she will be upset by it.
    5. Making decisions based on Logic
      1. Logic is not recognized as a valid method of making decisions. Accept that. Shut up.
      2. Female "Logic" is completely different to male "Logic". Do not even try to compare or argue. You do not understand how it works. You are not meant to.
    6. Thinking that your mother, or any other female is "helping"
      1. It is impossible for other women to help you. End of story. Shut up.
      2. They are not helping. Every time you accept "help" from any female other than your wife, you are losing status in her mind. Whether it is food, favors, anything.
      3. One workaround to this issue - Make sure the help comes from a male source.
      4. The difference here is she will complain openly, but you won't lose status. (Instead of silently docking points from you)
    7. Thinking she she will forgive and forget
      1. Women never forget. Especially husbands.
      2. You have a permanent number above your head that starts at 100 when you get married. All men get one, but husbands get a special "Husband Counter". It can only go down.
      3. Your skill comes from dodging as many events that will cause that number to go down.
      4. It never goes up. No matter what you do. don't fool yourself into thinking grand gestures matter. The most any event can do, is keep your score the same.
      5. The lower your number, the more difficult she becomes to deal with.
    8. Starting any thought with "She will understand if..."
      1. No. She will not. It is her job to not understand. Shut up. Do something else.


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